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Boomerang: Drive wheel tuningUpdated 3 years ago

Once you’ve installed your Boomerang on the cable, turn your transmitter on, and power your Boomerang’s speed controller on. You’re ready to tune the drive wheel.

Start by engaging the transmitter’s trigger forward function. You’ll notice that the drive wheel “spins” on the cable, instead of moving the Boomerang forward. You’ll need to increase tension to the drive wheel unit so that it has sufficient contact with the cable to move the trolley in either direction.Begin by giving the tension wheel a few spins. The tension wheel is not particularly sensitive, so you may need to give it multiple rotations depending on what diameter of cable you’re using, and how worn the drive wheel is.

If your drive wheel tension is too tight, you’ll wear out your drive wheel and battery charge much more quickly. You are looking for just enough tension for the trolley to accelerate up the cable without excessive slipping on the drive wheel (refer to video).

The Boomerang is optimized for traversing “up” the zip line back to your starting point. The “reverse” throttle can be used (without an active load) to send the trolley toward the end of the zip line. This may be useful in some situations, but please note that the throttle and traction levels are reduced in the downhill direction.

NOTE: When loaded, the Boomerang drive wheel drops away from the cable and “disengages.” This is a safety feature to ensure that while in use with a rider, the drive wheel will never touch the cable.

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